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The head office

AGRO SYSTEM – an OPTIMA Concept brand

OPTIMA Concept

ZI Les Hallots  62620 RUITZ – FRANCE

Tél: 03.91.801.701   Fax : 03.91.801.702

E-mail :  Site :

SAS Capital: 48 000 €  R.C. Béthune B 444 417 364  Code NAF : 333Z

N° id. TVA: FR 05 444 417 364  Siret: 444 417 364 00015

Intellectual property rights

This site is the exclusive property of OPTIMA Concept

AGRO System, trademark of OPTIMA Concept

OPTIMA Concept

ZI Les Hallots  62620 RUITZ – FRANCE

Tél: 03.91.801.701   Fax : 03.91.801.702

E-mail :  Site :

SAS Capital: 48 000 €  R.C. Béthune B 444 417 364  Code NAF : 333Z

N° id. TVA: FR 05 444 417 364  Siret: 444 417 364 00015

The Publishing Director is : Monsieur Olivier HOUSSARD.

This entire site is covered by international legislation on copyright, trademark law and, in general, intellectual property, with regard to each of the elements of its content (texts, images, data, drawings, graphics, photos and soundtracks, …) than with regard to its form (choice, plan, arrangement of materials, means of access to data, organization of data, etc.). These contents, appearing on the pages of this site, are the exclusive property of OPTIMA Concept.

The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other element constituting the site, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes, without the express and prior authorization of the publisher, an infringement punishable by the Articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

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The content of the site is subject to the law applicable in France. All users recognize the jurisdiction of the ARRAS Commercial Court for all matters relating to the content and use of the site or the remedies arising therefrom.